Here is my Paper-bag Man. He has little green eyelids, stripy socks and a spotty body. The bag I originally made was a little bulky so I changed the pattern slightly. He's like a little pillow with legs and confidence issues. Looking forward to making a couple of Paper-bag friends for the fast approaching Spring fair.
This is the start of Paper-bag man. He is forced to wear a paper bag as society scares him and he is afraid to show himself to the world. He fears being judged by the harsh eyes of others and so conceals his identity in the comfy brown of a paper bag. Individuals who acquire Paper-bag man have the capacity to make him feel loved and cared for and are the only ones who he will reveal his true identity to.
A bag is made. Now for the man. Updates to follow...
Elk and I decided to spend Sunday afternoon cooking up a Greek feast.
We made dolmades, tabouli, haloumi and greek salad and bought a selection of dips and breads to enjoy it with. The dolmades were more involved than expected since we ended up making two massive trays, this made for a lot of rolling rice in leaves so G also took part in the rolling. It was a great success and very tasty in the end :)
I've been a bit silent this last week. Flu has paid me a visit. Absolutely love this painting by Ana Bagayan. I could picture it sitting nicely over a black ornate fireplace in a stark white interior.